Camera Filters
GiAi produce multiple camera filters, include Circular polarizer filter, Neutral density filter, UV filter, black mist filter, etc.
What is VND and Black Mist Filter 2in1?
The VND and black mist filter 2in1 integrates the Variable ..
What is Black Mist Filter?Black Mist is an optical glass soft filter infused with fine black diffusi..
What is a GND filter?GND filter is one of the most important filters for photographic art creation.L..
Why Use a Polarizer?What does a Circular Polarizing filter do? What’s the difference between a circu..
Why Neutral Density filter is important?We have already entered the era of super high sensitivity, s..
Why Use UV Filters?
Let's face it, accidents happen! In the world of photography, it is important t..
What is a Variable ND filter?Variable ND filter offers a wide range light reduction. For example, th..
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